Tacho Output

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Tacho Output

Post by shmed »

I checked my wiring, and the tacho output wire is connected to the main car loom. I'm not sure where it goes to, but I wondered, can I tap into that wire and take it to my external data logger without having an adverse effect on whatever else it might be connected to?
Zen Performance
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Re: Tacho Output

Post by pavlo »

That should be fine.
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Re: Tacho Output

Post by shmed »

So, the tacho output still isn't working and I was wondering, can the tacho output be tested using the 'Output Testing' function when the engine is off?

I figured (and I could be wrong) that when I go into the Output Testing menu and locate the PWM output tests, it shows me 8 outputs. My tacho is supposed to feed from PWM-06, so I simply changed the value of box 6 to try and generate a wave for my scope. I don't appear to be able to get a good reading, so either 1. My 'scope isn't working (or I don't know how to use my 'scope - either being possible), or 2. I am not using the Syvecs right, and have misunderstood the 'Output Testing' function.

Can anyone help please? I have totally removed the external data logger from the problem for the time being, and have a new 1k resistor between a 12v source and the Tacho output wire.
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Re: Tacho Output

Post by stevieturbo »

Did you enable output testing before trying to test the specific output ?

And the outputs dont pulse as you'd like them to when you turn them on, it's either off/on unless you hold +/- then they pulse whilst you count up or down with the button pressed.

Base states is just either off or on as selected.
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